Cypress Elementary School District 64 Board met Jan. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Cypress Elementary School Board of Education meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Board President Angela Rudluff.
Beggs, present; Moore, present; Oliver, absent; Penrod, present; Schultz, present; Rudluff, present; West, present; Superintendent Shoemaker, present
Visitors Present: Rusty Marks, Kristine Reid
Motion by Moore seconded by Penrod to approve the minutes of the December 17th, 2019 Board Meeting. All present voted yes.
Motion by Penrod seconded by West to approve the treasurer’s report for December 2019. Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, absent; Penrod, yes; Schultz, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by West seconded by Penrod to approve the bills for January 2020.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, absent; Penrod, yes; Schultz, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Moore seconded by Penrod to destroy executive session audio tapes older than 18 months per the school code.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, absent; Penrod, yes; Schultz, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Penrod seconded by West to approve the application for the FY20 school maintenance grant. Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, absent; Penrod, yes; Schultz, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by West seconded by Penrod to set the FY 20 graduation date for May 16th, 2020. Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, absent; Penrod, yes; Schultz, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion made by Penrod seconded by Beggs to approve board polies:.
2:20, 2:70, 2:100, 2:105, 2:110, 2:200, 2:220, 2:250, 2:260, 3:50, 4:15, 4:30, 4:40, 4:60, 4:80, 4:110, 4:140, 4:150, 4:170, 4:175, 4:190, 5:10, 5:20, 5:30, 5:50, 5:90, 5:100, 5:120, 5:125, 5:150, 5:190, 5:200, 5:220, 5:250, 5:260, 5:2855:290, 5:330, 6:15, 6:20, 6:60, 6:65, 6:150, 6:180, 6:210, 6:270, 6:300, 6:310, 6:320, 7:20, 7:150, 7:180, 7:190, 7:200, 7:270, 7:290, 7:340, 8:30
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes ; Oliver, absent; Penrod, yes; Schultz, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion made by West seconded by Schultz to adjourn at 7:17.
All present voted yes.