Lick Creek Community Consolidated School District 16 Board of Education met July, 15.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
President Blayne Holshouser opened the meeting at 6:30 pm
Members present: Holshouser: yea, Plott: yea, Corbit: absent, Turner: absent, Stover: absent, Houseman: yea, Thorn: yea.
Motion by Plott second by Houseman to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll call:
Holshouser: yea, Plott: yea, Houseman: yea, Thorn: yea. Motion passed.
Motion by Thorn second by Plott to approve the 2019-2020 student handbook as presented. Roll call:
Holshouser: yea, Plott: yea, Houseman: yea, Thorn: yea. Motion passed.
Mr. Boren then give building and grant updates.
Motion by Houseman second by Thorn to adjourn at 6:57pm. Motion passed.