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Friday, January 31, 2025

Vienna School District No. 55 Board of Education met June 10

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Vienna School District No. 55 Board of Education met June 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Regular Meeting of the Vienna Public School District No. 55 Board of Education was called to order by Mrs. Sherie Smith, President at 6:04 p.m., with the following members present:

S. Smith, President 

S. Borders, Vice President 

K. Johnson, Secretary 

L. Hook 

P. Trovillion

Members absent: D. Clayton.

Others present: G. Frehner, Don Badgley, J. Waller, A. Vinson, T. Betts, S. Robinson.

Appoint Board Member

Motion by Hook seconded by Trovillion to appoint Teale Betts as a member of the Vienna Grade School board of education to fill an open position until the April 2021 election. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Teale Betts was sworn in by President, Sherie Smith.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Borders seconded by Hook to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Recognition of Employees and Business of the

Amanda Vinson mentioned Field Day and Fun Day and mentioned PTO funded shirts for all the students for these events. She also mentioned the Garden Club which is bringing home a skill. Students also enjoyed the annual kickball tournament.

(A) Treasurer's Report (1) fund balances


(2) FY20 State funding projections (B) Administrative Reports (1) Don Badgley reported on the PSIC insurance cooperative (2) student disciplinary summary report (3) 2019-20 Student/Parent Handbook (4) 2019-20 Athletic Handbook (5) bus/transportation update

Approve Budget Amendment

Motion by Borders seconded by Hook to approve the FY19 budget amendment as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Closed Session

Motion by Hook seconded by Trovillion to go in to closed session at 7:58 p.m. to discuss (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the District or legal counsel for the District including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the District or against legal counsel of the District, to determine its validity and (2) pending a probable litigation against, affecting, or on behalf of the public body. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried. 

Motion by Borders seconded by Betts to come out of closed session and return to regular open session at 9:33 p.m. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Let the records show the following items were discussed: (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the District or legal counsel for the District including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the District or against legal counsel of the District, to determine its validity and (2) pending or probable litigation against, affecting, or on behalf of the public body.

Approve Fee Schedule

Motion by Borders seconded by Hook to approve the fee schedule for the 2019-20 school year as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts. Voting no: none. Abstaining: Johnson Motion carried.

Accept Dairy and Bakery Bids

Motion by Hook seconded by Johnson to accept the Prairie Farms dairy bid for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Johnson seconded by Borders to accept the Lewis Bakeries bakery bid for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.


Motion by Johnson seconded by Hook to employ David Hanks as full-time building principal for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Johnson seconded by Hook to hire Kelsie Odom as head softball coach, Cayla Oslay as assistant coach, and Taylor Odom as the volunteer assistant for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Betts seconded by Borders to hire Adam Hook as head baseball coach, Michael Vinson as assistant coach, and Dewayne Hensley, Lucas Hook, and Mike Ethridge as volunteer assistants for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Hook seconded by Trovillion to hire Beth Palmer as girls head basketball coach and Michele Steinmann as girls assistant basketball coach for the 2019 20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Borders seconded by Betts to hire Adam Hook as boys head basketball coach and Michael Vinson as boys assistant coach for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Accept Resignation

Motion by Johnson seconded by Hook to accept Ted Hirsch's resignation as custodian effective June 28, 2019. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Closed Session Minutes and Recordings

Motion by Border seconded by Betts to keep closed session minutes closed for the six-month period July - December 2017. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Hook seconded by Borders to destroy closed session verbatim recordings for the six-month period July - December 2017. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Approve Insurance

Motion by Johnson seconded by Borders to approve the PSIC Worker's Compensation and Property and Casualty Program insurance for the 2019-20 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

PRESS Policies

Motion by Borders seconded by Trovillion to approve the recommended PRESS policies as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Hook seconded by Betts to authorize the superintendent to authorize preparation of the audit for FY19. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.


Motion by Borders seconded by Johnson to approve the VGSEA memorandum of understanding for summer professional work. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Hook, Smith, Betts, Johnson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.


Mrs. Smith read several thank-you cards from staff thanking the Board for the gifts and picnic during teacher appreciation week. She also read thank you notes form Johnson County administrators for the Board's donation to Top Flight and from 2 recipients of the Top Flight awards.


Motion by Hook seconded by Borders to adjourn at 9:55 p.m. All voted yea. Motion carried.
