Union County Board of Commissioner met April 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call Meeting to Order
The Union County Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting in the Union County Courthouse Community Room at 08:30am. County Chairman Max Miller called the meeting to order.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners in attendance are Kent Pitts, Bobby Toler Jr., Max Miller and David Gould. Dale Foster is absent.
III. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Gould made the motion to approve the minutes from April 12th, 2019 and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
IV. Public Comments
V. Committee Reports
Mr. Toler stated that the Shawnee Development still has energy assistance money available.
Mr. Miller reported that he met with the Mayor of Anna about the land for the new Animal Control Building and once the new Anna City Board takes over they will be moving forward with the building.
Angie Johnson stated that the Sheriff's Office with the help of ICMRT with our insurance company, received a 50/50 grant for new body armor for the courthouse security guards.
Mr. Miller asked for prayers for Commissioner Dale Foster that was in a car accident and is at home healing from the injuries.
VI. Building Permits
1. 03-07-01-439-A2 at 3820 Christian Chapel Rd, Anna for Kristen Tite
2. 06-05-04-359-2 at 3635 Boyd Rd, Anna for David Teske
3. 05-14-03-195-A at 390 Murphy School Rd, Anna for Ed & Shelia Plott
4. 05-18-03-272 1370 Old Hwy 51 N. Anna for Bradley & Melissa Doody. The house burnt and needs a permit for demolition
Mr. Pitts made the motion to approve all the building permits listed and Mr. Toler seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
VII. County Finances
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. Approve Payment of Bills
Mr. Gould made the motion to approve the bills and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
B. Approval of Tourism Grant Application-Annabelle Festival
Mr. Toler made the to approve using $500 out of the Hotel Operators Occupancy Tax funds towards the Annabelle Festival and Mr. Gould seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
C. Resolution to Appoint Members to the Lick Creek Public Water District Board
Mr. Miller made the motion to appoint the following people to the Lick Creek Water District Board of Directors.
Ken Pinnon, for term expiring May 2, 2022
Jeremy Roach, for term expiring May 6, 2024
Mervin Lence Jr., for term expiring May 2, 2022
Rosemary Cates, for term expiring May 1, 2023
John Melfi, for term expiring May 3, 2021
Ronald Spurlock, for term expiring May 3, 2021
Mr. Toler seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
D. Employment Agreement for Supervisor of Assessments
Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the contract between the County of Union and Tammy Robinson for 4 years with a 2% raise each year with correction on the sick time section where it read 8 hours and it should be 7 hours for time accrued for sick time for the month. Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
E. Reimbursement for Filing Tax Forms
Mr. Miller discussed that during an IMRF audit; it was found that the voluntary contribution made did not have the taxes taken out before the money was sent to IMRF. It was discovered after Angela Knupp, HR Director for the county, took it over from a previous County Clerk. IMRF and the IRS are requiring this to be fixed. Mr. Miller noted that it was human error and nobody had any knowledge that it was incorrect by mistake and not purposely done. HR has sent out letters to the employees that were involved from 2015-17 about the mistake and was fixed from 2017 and on. What needed to be discussed is how the county was going to handle the problem. It has cost a few employees' $95-$110 to have their taxes corrected by a tax professional to fix the issue. The IRS has stated that they could drop the penalties with a letter explaining why and what happened the odd are good that they could drop the penalties and interest on the county and the employees. Mr. Toler stated that he feels like the letter to the IRS should come from the employee asking for the penalty and interest to be dropped. Mr. Miller stated that he agreed and it should be in the motion. Mrs. Knupp volunteered to help the employees write the letter to the IRS. Mr. Toler stated that the employee needs to bring a paid receipt from a tax professional.
Mr. Pitts made the motion that the county would reimburse the 13 employees affected by the voluntary IMRF mishap up to $95.00 with a paid receipt from a certified tax preparer and could seek help of HR to help draft a letter to the IRS asking for penalties and interest to be dropped if the employee choices so. Mr. Toler seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
X. Executive Session
XI. Other Business
Mr. Gould mentioned that he had to call the Union County 911 due to a personal matter. Mr. Gould wanted to thank the 911 staff, The Union County Ambulance Service and Union County Rescue Squad for their great work done. Mr. Miller stated that we have the best ambulance services around.
XII. Adjournment
Mr. Gould made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster ABSENT
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
Motion Passed and meeting adjourned at 8:55am