Union County Board of Commissioner met 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call Meeting to Order
The Union County Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting in the Union County Courthouse Community Room at 08:30am. County Chairman Max Miller called the meeting to order.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners in attendance are Kent Pitts, Bobby Toler Jr., Dale Foster, Max Miller and David Gould.
III. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Gould made the motion to approve the minutes from April 26th, 2019 and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
IV. Public Comments
Jack Thorn came in to speak about some of the properties around the Wolf Lake area that need cleaned up. Some properties haven't been maintained with high grass, animals living in them and a house that has been burnt that has people living in it. Mr. Thorn and the rest of some others from the Wolf Lake area have come to find out what legally they can do to clean up their neighborhood. Mr. Miller thanked Mr. Thorn for coming and agreed to meet with him after the meeting to go over some things that the county can do.
V. Committee Reports
Mr. Toler attended the 911 meeting and the Sheriff is looking into going to the all digital radio system.
Mr. Miller attended the Union County Economic Development meeting and they and the Chamber of Commerce are working on details of becoming one combined group to better serve the community.
Mr. Miller also attended the Union County CEO Trade Show and was very impressed with the students and they business's they formed and had to show off. He is happy to have the county be invested into the CEO program.
Mr. Gould attended the National Day of prayer and represented the county along with Sheriff, Scott Harvel and Ambulance Director, Grant Capel.
VI. Building Permits
1. 04-29-02-634 at 700 Bell Hill Rd., Cobden for a Laird MacDonald
2. 05-03-02-952 at 560 Hughley Ln. for a Phillip Goodman
3. 02-02-00-618 at 125 Gee Ln., Buncombe for Terry Turner
4. 02-04-0-611-D at 6875 Lick Creek Rd. for Michael Diller
5. 04-26-02-526-2 244 Kelly Cemetery Ln for Eric & Teresa Cavaness
Mr. Gould made the motion to approve the building permits and Mr. Foster seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
VII. County Finances
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. Approve Payment of Bills
Mr. Toler made the motion to approve the bills and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
B. Intergovernmental Agreement Between the State of Illinois, Illinois Emergency
Management Agency and County of Union – Amending Grant Amount
Mr. Miller made the motion to approve the agreement and Mr. Foster seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
C. Resolution to Appoint Member to the Shawnee Valley Water District - Ron
Shepard Mr. Miller made a motion to appoint Ron Shepard to fill the current term till May of 2024. Mr. Foster seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
D. Employment Agreement for County Engineer
Mr. Miller asked to table this issue due to paperwork issue with the contract and the States Attorney and will be on the next agenda.
E. Union County Senior Citizens Council Contribution
Mrs. Johnson, County administrator stated that about every six months the Senior Citizen Council asks for around $6000.00 to help support their funds. Mr. Gould made the motion to give $6000.00 to the Union County Senior Citizens
Council and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion. very port their hands. Mr.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
F. Raffle License Application - Anna Blue Dolphins
Mr. Miller stated that this item has been removed because it was found out that
it needed to be approved by the City of Anna since it was in their jurisdiction.
X. Executive Session
XI. Other Business
XII. Adjournment
Mr. Foster made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Kent Pitts YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
Dale Foster YES
Max Miller YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
Motion Passed and meeting adjourned at 8:49am