
Southern Illinois News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Adams County Village Board met May 14

Webp meeting 07

Adams County Village Board met May 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The County Board of Adams County, Illinois met at the Courthouse, Quincy, Illinois, on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 at 7:00 P.M., pursuant to recess.

PRESENT: Kent Snider, Chairman

Chuck Venvertloh, County Clerk

Mr. Matt Obert gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Chairman Snider called the meeting to order.

Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider. Total Present: 17 Absent: 4

Absent were: Joe Zanger, Todd Duesterhaus, Ryan Hinkamper, and John Heidbreder. All were excused.

Chairman Snider declared a quorum present.

Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were:

Georgene Zimmerman- Supervisor of Assessments, John Simon-EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim Frankenhoff- County Engineer, Dave Bockhold from the Highway Department, John Myers- County Coroner, Wendy Venvertloh- Director of Court Services, Gary Farha-States Attorney, Todd Eyler from the State’s Attorney’s Office, Sheriff’s Vonderhaar, John Frankenhoff- Technology Director and Sue Hester- County Board Executive Assistant.

Mr. Bellis moved to approve the minutes of the April 10th, 2019 county board meeting and the May 1st, 2019 special county board meeting as printed and distributed.

Mr. Post seconded the motion.

Motion to approve the minutes of the April 10th and May 1st meetings as printed was adopted.Transportation, Building & Technology

Committee Report (Mr. Post)

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, May 14th to review the bills for the Highway Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All of the bills were in order.


Mr. Post reminded the board that there is a public hearing on May 23rd for the proposed Solar Farm at 7:00PM. The committee will meet after that hearing to review and see how to proceed. It is possible the full board could be taking a vote in at the June meeting.

There are a lot of road projects coming up to get the roads back in good condition.


a. 2019-05-501-012 – Resolution reporting bids and awarding a contract to Diamond

Construction Company, Quincy, IL, in the amount of $400,846.18 for the resurfacing of 1.511 miles of County Highway 4 (E 1700TH Street), from the intersection with N 550TH Avenue to the intersection with N 400TH Avenue, known as Section #18- 00052-03-FP, from the April 25, 2019 County Motor Fuel Tax Letting (Attachment A-1)

Mr. Brady made a motion to approve the resolution. 

Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.

Resolution 2019-05-501-012 was approved

b. 2019-05-501-013 – Resolution for approval of a Plat of Andrew Acres Subdivision, located in Section 30 of Ursa Township, subject to a variance for building setback and the County Engineer’s subdivision check list. (Attachment A-2)

Mr. Bellis made a motion to approve the resolution. 

Mr. Demoss seconded the motion.

Resolution 2019-05-501-013 was approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for May 23rd, 2019.

Legislative & Judicial

Committee Report (Mr. Niekamp)

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 to review the bills from the circuit Clerk, Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and the Supervisor of Assessments. All of the bills were in order.


a. 2019-05-111-010 Resolution for the Closing of the County Clerk’s and Recorder’s Offices for training for all employees of these offices at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, 2019. (Attachment B-1)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the resolution. 

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

Resolution 2019-05-111-010 was approved.

Event Liquor License

a. Request from Adams County Fair Association for a Seven-Day Liquor permit for the

Adams County Fair to be held July 24, 2019 through July 30, 201 at the Adams County Fairgrounds. (Attachment B-2)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the liquor permit. 

Mr. Peter seconded the motion.

The permit was approved.

b. Request from Adams County Fair Association for a One-Day Liquor permit for June 1st for a Fundraising Event to be held at the Adams County Fairgrounds. (Attachment B-3)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the one-day liquor permit. 

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The one-day liquor permit was approved.

c. Request from St. Anthony Church for a One-Day Liquor permit for the St. Anthony Parish Picnic to be held July 20, 2019 at the parish grounds at 2223 St. Anthony Road. (Attachment B-4)

Mrs. Bockhold made a motion to approve the one-day liquor permit. 

Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

The one-day liquor permit was approved.

Liquor License-

a. Resolution adopting Ordinance Number 2019-05-111-006 for the approval of the Retail

Liquor Dealer’s Licenses on file in the County Clerk’s Office for the period of July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. (Attachment B-5)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the resolution.

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The resolution was approved.

Firework Permit

a.Request from Point D’Vine, LLC for approval of a fireworks permit for May 25th, 2019 for a Wedding Event held at Point D’Vine, 276 Highway 57, Quincy. (Attachment B-6)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the fireworks permit 

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The fireworks permit was approved.

County Code

a.2019-05-001-009- Resolution to amend the county code in regards to the board member travel within the County of Adams. (Attachment B-7)

Mr. Niekamp explained that during a previous meeting, it was requested that the Legislative and Judicial Committee look into the county code for county board member reimbursements. To be good stewards of the taxpayer dollars, the committee is proposing, in Article 11: Travel, Living, and Meal Expenses, to add that all members of the county board will be reimbursed for meal and mileage that is outside the County of Adams.

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve.

Mr. Austin seconded the motion.

Mr. Obert clarified that there will be no more mileage reimbursement for in-county driving.

Mr. Totsch stated that he was elected to this board 31 years ago and this wasn’t in there then. It doesn’t seem right. With the price of gas, he doesn’t believe this should be passed. He requested it to be tabled or voted on.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the County Code change.

Those in favor were Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, Les Post, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Raquel Piazza, and Taylor Rakers. Those against were: John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Theresa Bockhold, Steven Demoss, Marvin Kerkhoff, and Kent Snider.

Total in favor: 11

Total opposed: 6

Total absent: 4

The county code change was approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for June 4th, 2019. 

Public Health & Safety 

Committee Report (Mrs. Weed)

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency and Animal Control. All of the bills were in order.


Chad Downs from the Sheriff’s Department was present at the committee meeting and gave the following report: The merit board is interviewing candidates from the recent testing. The department will interview the recommended candidates. The jail population on that day was 126.

The Emergency Management Department emailed the following report to the committee: The river levels are currently going down and the strategic disaster plan is ongoing.

The Coroner emailed the following report to the committee: In March 2019, there were 94 reported deaths, 6 autopsies, 1 indigent cremation, and 38 cremation permits. There is an average of 35 cremation permits used each month so far in this fiscal year. The coroner’s office documented the type and quantity of calls received. There are two types of calls.

For the 2019 fiscal year, the office was budgeted $20,000 for deputy salaries and as of March 31st, $17,300 has been used. We will have to transfer funds from the other line items to the deputy salary line item to hopefully cover the salaries for the remainder of the fiscal year. Also, we will be changing the pay scale for call-only reports to $30.00 and scene response calls to $60.00 with the autopsy transport fee of $150 remaining the same. Hopefully this will help wit the deputy salary budgeting in future years.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 in the Law Library. 


Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

Bills – The committee met on Monday, May 13th to review the bills. All of the bills were in order.

Resolution –

a. Approval of Board Member Travel Vouchers. (Attachment C-1 thru C-4))

Mr. Austin stated that all of these will be approved because they pertain to before the code change.

$56.70 to John Brady for travel on April 30th to the parking lot hearing, May 1st to the special meeting, and May 14th to the county board meeting for a total of 54 miles.

$83.30 to Ryan Niekamp for travel on May 8th to Springfield, IL to meet with Jil Tracy for a total of 238 miles.

$60.55 to Theresa Bockhold for travel on March 25th to the U of I extension meeting, April 11th to the Two Rivers Regional Council meeting, May 7th to the committee meeting, May 9th to the Tow Rivers Regional Council meeting, and May 14th to the county board meeting for a total of 173 miles.

$84.00 to Seldon Totsch for travel on April 16th to the claims meeting, April 30th to the Public Parking Lot Hearing, May 1st for the Special meeting, and May 14th to the County Board meeting for a total of 240 miles.

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the board member travel vouchers.

Mr. Obert seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the travel vouchers. Those in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.

Ryan Niekamp voted present.

Total in favor were: 16 

Opposed: 0 

Present: 1 

Absent: 4 

The board member travel vouchers were approved.

b. Resolution 2019-05-001-008- Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds for parking Lot “D”. (Attachment C-5)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the resolution. 

Mr. Rakers seconded the motion.

Mr. Austin stated that this is the final resolution of commitment and support for the parking lot local funds. We approved the intragovernmental agreement. We will bid out this job and run the parking lot D program and be reimbursed through the city’s funds as the project goes along. We will recapture what used to be the revolving loan funds and are now through the DCEO Program. It is in line with what we already approved.

Resolution 2019-05-001-008 was approved.

c. Tax Sale Resolution 23-2020: Mobile Home located at 1703 Stull St. in Quincy, IL.

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the tax sale resolution. 

Mr. Obert seconded the motion.

Tax sale resolution 23-2020 was approved.


a. Additional Fund Appropriation – From Transportation, Building and Technology Committee

– an increase of $5,000.00 to expense line item 001-001-5563 County General – Solar Application Expenses for a new budgeted amount of $5,000.00 and an increase of $5,000.00 to revenue line item 001-001-4118 County General – Fees - Solar Application for a new budgeted amount of $5,000.00. (Attachment C-6)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the fund appropriation. 

Mr. Rakers seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the additional fund appropriation. Those in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.

Total in favor: 17 

Total Opposed: 0 

Total Absent: 4 

The additional fund appropriation was approved.

b. Additional Fund Appropriation – From Finance Committee – an increase of $2,500,000.00 to expense line item 001-001-XXXX County General – Tax Anticipation Loan – Principal Payments for a new budgeted amount of $2,500,000.00 and an increase of $2,500,000.00 to revenue line item 001-001-XXXX County General – Tax Anticipation Loan - Proceeds for a new budgeted amount of $2,500,000.00 and an increase of $1.00 to new expense line item 001-001-XXXX County General – Tax Anticipation Loan – Principal Payments for a new budgeted amount of $1.00.(Attachment C-7)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation.

Mr. Rakers seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the additional fund appropriation. Those in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.

Total in favor: 17 

Total Opposed: 0 

Total Absent: 4

The additional fund appropriation was approved.

c. Transfer of Budget Appropriation – From John Myers – Coroner – a transfer of $20,000.00 from line item 001-201-5543 Coroner: Post Mortems & Clinical exams for a revised budgeted amount of $80,000.00 and an increase of $20,000.00 to expense account 001-201-5110 Coroner: Salaries - Part-Time Deputies for a new budget amount of $40,000.00.

(Attachment C-8)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the transfer of budget appropriation.

Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve transfer of budget appropriation. Those in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.

Total in favor: 17 

Total Opposed: 0 

Total Absent: 4

The transfer of budget appropriation was approved.

The committee’s next meeting will be June 10th, 2019 at 6:15 PM.

Jail Sub-Committee

Committee Report (Mr. Peter)

Mr. Peter reported that the current change orders needing to be approved are hopefully the last, or close to the last change orders for the project. The project is winding down and there are 15 items. 10 are increases, 2 are value engineering items where we need to put back better materials, and 3 are decreases. Many of them are ones that Mr. Wilson and the committee consider possible reimbursable items. After the project is complete, there will be a sit-down with the design team to request reimbursements.

The total amount for all 15 items is $49,963.

Mr. Peter made a motion to approve the change orders. 

Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

The change orders were approved.

Mr. Peter also explained some work being done by John Frankenhoff, the county’s director of IT. This was left out of the bid of the building intentionally because these items need to match the equipment we already have in the other building. The committee approved John’s presentation. The total was $19,010. Mr. Frankenhoff will present this to the Finance committee and then have it to the full board meeting after that. It is outside the scope of the bid process. It has to be done to get the building ready to use.

Mr. Peter gave the construction update provided by Mr. Sid Wilson. The Sheriff’s Department and QPD area on the second floor has painting and ceiling installation, light fixtures, door frames, and window installation ongoing. The floor in area A, which is the first floor sally port, has been poured. The block walls are 90% done. The kitchen’s walk-in cooler was installed this week. Painting has started in several areas that have been inspected and released. The central sprinkler system test was performed by the local fire department. The last pre-cast panel in the East side of the building will be installed Thursday. That will close up the building. That is a good sign. The second set of stairs for the Sheriff’s entrance is being installed this week. Area B, the other housing area, has an estimate of 60% complete. The completion date for the project is still set for the end of November.

Executive Committee

Committee Report (Mr. Post)

The executive committee met May 6th and May 14th, 2019. The meetings have been almost all personnel issues and there is no public action to report. The next meeting has not been set.

Unfinished Business

Chairman Snider reminded everyone that the United Way cards have been passed out and United Way is going through all departments. He encouraged everyone to please give if you can because they do good work for our community.

New Business

Monthly Reports – The County Clerk had monthly reports from the Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, the Probation Department, Juvenile Detention center, The County Clerk/Recorder’s office, Treasurer’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office, Monthly check register for April 2019, and Funds Summary report for April 2019 including revenue and expenses.

Mr. Rakers made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee.

Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.


Georgene Zimmerman was named winner of the 2019 Marshall Theroux Memorial Award by the Illinois Property Assessment Institute. She was presented the award at the Spring Conference of the Illinois Property Assessment Institute. This award was established to annually recognize a member of the Illinois Assessment Profession who demonstrates high ethical standards, professional achievement and dedication to the service of others. She received a scholarship from the CIAO organization and a plague from the institute. Award recipients are selected from the IPAI Board of Directors.

Chairman Snider presented Mrs. Zimmerman a plaque on behalf of the County. He thanked her for her hard work.


1) Letter from Ameren regarding tree trimming in and around the City of Quincy.

Mr. Rakers moved to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee. 

Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee adopted.

The May 14th, 2019 meeting was recessed until Tuesday, June 11th, 2019 at 7:00PM.
