City of Anna City Council met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steve Hartline. The roll call went as follows: Present were Commissioner David Isom, Commissioner Al Kamp, Commissioner David Tellor, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline. None were absent.
A motion was made by Commissioner Kamp and seconded by Commissioner Isom that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 16, 2019 ANNA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES AS SUBMITTED AS THE OFFICIAL MINUTES OF SAID MEETING. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Isom, Commissioner Kamp, Commissioner Tellor, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay - none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Mayor Steve Hartline praised and thanked the current council members for all of their hard work and dedication.
Mayor Steve Hartline welcomed all the newly election council members.
The new council members were sworn in. Taking the Oath of Office were Mayor Steve Hartline, Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, and Commissioner Martha Ann Webb.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steve Hartline. The roll call went as follows: Present were Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline. None were absent.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A BUILDING PERMIT TO STEVE HARTLINE AT 1009 APPLEWOOD. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, and Commissioner Martha Ann Webb voted yea. Mayor Steve Hartline abstained. Nay - none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A PROPERTY USAGE APPLICATION FOR UNION COUNTY FARMERS MARKET MAY 7 THROUGH OCTOBER 30, 2019. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A PROPERTY USAGE APPLICATION FOR S.I. RANGERS ON MAY 29, 2019. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline voted yea. Nay - none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A PROPERTY USAGE APPLICATION FOR ANNABELLE FESTIVAL JUNE 7 & 8, 2019 PENDING INSURANCE FOR SCHLENKER'S CARRIAGE RIDES. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline voted yea. Nay - none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF CITY ATTORNEY JOHN FOLEY: ZONING INSPECTOR GARY RIDER; CITY TREASURER DANYELLE MEISENHEIMER AND COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF DEPARTMENTS AS FOLLOWS: CITY HALL, COMMISSIONER WEBB: PARK, CEMETERY. & DISPOSAL, COMMISSIONER BIGLER: FIRE & POLICE, COMMISSIONER MILLER; STREET, WATER & GAS, COMMISSIONER BRYAN. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline voted yea. Nay - none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED THAT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 7, 2019 BE ADJOURNED AT 5:20 PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Isom, Commissioner Tellor, Commissioner Webb and Acting Mayor Kamp voted yea. Nay - none. Acting Mayor Kamp declared the motion carried.